Welcome to the Chromatic Empire's site!


Here, you can find links to our social media accounts, and more!


What is the Chromatic Empire?

The Chromatic Empire (abreviated as ChE) was officially founded on the 31st of March, 2022 as a pxls.space faction.

It combined the already existing factions of Navy Blue Grand Monarchy (NBGM), The Purple Empire (TPE) and Orange Gang (OG).

Later, Green Kingdom (GK), Teal Kingdom (TK), and Elemental Confederation (EC) would join.

What is pxls.space?

Pxls.space is a r/place clone founded by a small group of developers in 2017, just 4 days after the original r/place launched.

The platform is a general pixel art community with very good content for its sizemoderation. Pxls is the main platform the Chromatic Empire is based on.

How do I use ChE's pxls.space template linked on the website?

Essentially, the template works as a guide to show you exactly where and how you should place your pixels to make an artwork.